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Smart hacks for HR aspirants on how to crack an interview; A 2023 Guide!

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In today’s competitive job market, cracking an interview can be daunting, especially for those aspiring to enter the field of human resources. Preparing for a job interview can be nerve-wracking if you’re an HR aspirant. However, following some simple dos and don’ts of how to crack interview can increase your chances of acing the interview and landing your dream job. 

With the right preparation and mindset towards the significance of human resource management, you can ace your HR interview to land your desired job. 

Key tips on how to crack interviews for HR aspirants

Here are some smart hacks on how to crack interviews for all the HR aspirants –

Tip 1: Research the company

Before attending the interview, it’s essential to research the company thoroughly. Gather information on the company’s history, culture, values, products, services, and competitors. This will help you to understand the company’s expectations and tailor your responses to suit the company’s needs.

Tip 2: Understand the job requirements

Go through the job description and understand the responsibilities and requirements of the position. This will help you to align your skills and experiences to the job requirements and highlight them during the interview.

Also read: Importance of Supply Chain Management Careers: Insights & Trends

Tip 3: Practice common interview questions

Brush up on your interview skills by practicing common HR interview questions such as “Tell me about yourself,” “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” and “Why do you want to work in HR?” Practice with a friend or family member to gain confidence and improve your communication skills.

Tip 4: Showcase your HR knowledge

HR aspirants must understand HR practices and laws well. During the interview, demonstrate your knowledge of HR practices, such as recruitment, training, employee relations, and compliance. This will showcase your competency and help build credibility with the interviewer.


Tip 5: Highlight your soft skills

Besides technical knowledge, HR aspirants must possess soft skills such as communication, leadership, and empathy. Highlight your soft skills during the interview by providing examples of situations where you displayed these skills.

Tip 6: Dress professionally

Dressing professionally is essential for any job interview, including HR interviews. Making a good first impression is essential, so make sure you dress appropriately and present yourself well.

Tip 7: Ask relevant questions

At the end of the interview, the interviewer will usually ask if you have any questions. Use this opportunity to ask relevant questions about the company or the position. This will show your interest in the job and help you understand how to crack interview.

What NOT to do in an interview?

  1. Don’t be late: Punctuality is crucial for any job interview. Arrive at least 10-15 minutes before the scheduled interview time.
  2. Don’t badmouth your previous employer: Avoid badmouthing your previous employer, no matter how tempting it may be. This can reflect poorly on your professionalism and character.
  3. Don’t give one-word answers: Avoid giving one-word answers to questions. Provide detailed responses and elaborate on your answers.
  4. Don’t interrupt the interviewer: Avoid interrupting the interviewer, even if you are excited to answer a question. Let the interviewer finish speaking before responding.
  5. Don’t forget to follow up: Send the interviewer a thank-you email after the interview. This shows your professionalism and can help you stand out from other candidates.

Also read: Supply Chain Management Careers in the E-commerce Industry

Top Interview Question & Answers for HR Aspirants

It’s time to examine the most common hr interview questions and answers for freshers to equip you with the necessary preparation for any inquiry that a prospective employer might pose.

Q. Can you tell us about yourself?

This question provides an opportunity to introduce yourself and briefly summarise your skills, experiences, and career goals.

Q. Why are you interested in this position?

Demonstrate your knowledge of the company and how the role aligns with your career aspirations.

Q. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Provide examples of your strengths and how they relate to the position. For weaknesses, identify areas of improvement and how you work on them.

Q. How do you prioritise your tasks?

Explain your approach to task prioritisation and how you manage your time effectively.

Q. What are your salary expectations?

Research industry standards and provide a realistic salary expectation based on your experience and qualifications.

Q. How do you stay current with industry trends?

Explain how you keep up to date with industry trends and incorporate new knowledge into your work.


If you’re wondering how to crack an interview, you must know that cracking an HR interview requires preparation, research, and a positive mindset. 

By following these smart hacks on how to face interviews, you can increase your chances of acing your HR interview and securing your dream job.

Remember, being confident, knowledgeable, and authentic is the key to success. 

Good luck!

Frequently Asked Questions

Some of the Do’s and don’ts for HR aspirants during an interview are – 

  • Do research about the company and the HR role you are applying for
  • Do be prepared to answer questions about your experience and skills
  • Do ask questions about the company and the HR role
  • Don’t badmouth previous employers or colleagues
  • Don’t lie or exaggerate your experience and skills
  • Don’t interrupt the interviewer or dominate the conversation

By listening carefully and answering questions thoughtfully you can impress the recruiter in the first few seconds.

The most common HR interview questions are –

  • Tell me about your previous HR experience
  • How do you handle conflicts in the workplace?
  • What do you think are the most important qualities of an HR professional?
  • How do you stay up to date with HR laws and regulations?

Simply ask thoughtful questions that show your interest and knowledge about the company and the HR role.

The most common mistakes HR aspirants commit are –

  • Being unprepared or not researching the company and the HR role
  • Being too casual or informal in their demeanour and language,
  • Focusing too much on their own needs and wants instead of the company’s needs
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